Fra Johannes af korsets "Levende kærlighedsflamme":

torsdag, oktober 18, 2012

God læsning, 2012.10.18, "The Practice of Attention/Intention"

Denne artikel af Thomas Keating fra "Contemplative Outreach News" for forår 1996 beskriver en praksis, der minder om Jean Pierre de Caussades Abandonment to Divine Providence, som i en ny oversættelse hedder The Sacrament of the Present Moment.

Men for at beskrive denne praksis i centrerende bøns terminologi, giver Keating i artiklen også en interessant indsigt i, hvad han forstår som "det sande selv":
The true self, which is what we are trying to awaken through spiritual practice, is not separate from God. The true self is the divine manifesting itself in our uniqueness, in our talents, in our personal history, in our cultural conditioning, and in all the rest of the complex factors that go to make up our conscious life and its manifestation in our various activities.

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