Fra Johannes af korsets "Levende kærlighedsflamme":

mandag, juni 20, 2011

Dagens citat, 2011.06.20

We are all given the gifts of the Holy Spirit at baptism, but most of us leave these gifts wrapped up on the shelf. * * * God will never violate human freedom. If we want to always function at a purely human level, we are allowed to. It is only when we are willing to let go of our rational control of consciousness and open the space for the Spirit to act in us through the gifts that we can begin to know and sense things as God knows and experiences them. This freedom to let go of our rational control and open up to the divine activity is developed in us through the practice of contemplative prayer.
M. Basil Pennington, Thomas Merton, My Brother (New City Press, 1996) p. 198. [Denne bog kan lånes fra Skt. Andreas Bibliotek, evt. gennem]